Digital Services

Application Engineering Services

Automation and Artificial Intelligence

Cloud Services

Cyber Security

Data, Analytics & AI

Data Marketplace

Digital Services

Geospatial Services

Outsourced Software Services
Digital Services
API Management
We provide platform-agnostic services to design, publish, document, analyze and manage API to gain control over how, when, and from where the user community can access the APIs. Our fundamental approach involves effective API designing, API governance, API policy management and operational management.
Customer Analytics
Through our digital services, we often deploy predictive analytics to target customers by identifying their consumer behavior and buying patterns. Our analysis addresses customer service issues for our clients, helping them to get a better understanding of individual needs and expectations of customers, making the customer experience more personalized and engaging which ultimately leads towards achieving customer loyalty for a lifetime.
Customer Communication Management
We take pride in having been able to successfully deliver more than a dozen customer communication management projects within the past two years. These projects have assisted our clients in migrating from physical to digital methods of communication. In addition to this, we also conduct regular monitoring and inspections of our Customer Communication Management infrastructures, which aids in ensuring the best quality of service.
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is a very powerful marketing tool that allows our clients to connect with potential customers in an efficient manner. We focus on cross-channel campaign management by merging inbound and outbound customer interactions delivered on-premises or cloud based deployments. We run some of the largest deployments of cross-channel campaign management in the Asia-Pacific region.